



江阴,一个不断创造奇迹的地方。江阴以**1/10000的土地、1/1000的人口,创造了超过**1/250以上的国内生产总值;2003年在第三届**县域经济基本竞争力排名中,江阴市名列**;全市实现国内生产总值508.02亿元比2002年增长21.10%,拥有华西,法尔胜,模塑科技等18家上市公司,从200210 2006中国(江阴)国际机床及模具制造技术设备展览会



封面:15000    封底:10000    黑白整版:2000

封二:8000     费 用

1、展位费:国际标准展位3X 3,共9平方米;





无锡中际贸易展览有限公司是国内深具影响力的专业会展推广及组织机构之一,公司拥有**的办公设施,现代化的信息和通讯手段。公司自创办以来一直致力于开创品牌展,并以“展期固定化、规模大型化、内容专业化、展商国际化”的专业办展为宗旨。   公司下设:会议部、贸易部、国内展览部、国际展览部、电脑部等。公司拥有业务知识**,应变能力极强的管理人员,以及素质精良、全心全意、认真负责、踏实工作的员工队伍。   公司创办以来一直积极努力为广大企业树立形象,提高知名度,开拓国内外市场牵线搭桥、出谋划策。公司以**、规范、诚信服务为工作指导思想,所有员工将以励精图治、发奋图强、不遗 余力的工作,树立优良的市场形象,为光辉灿烂的明天而努力奋斗。   WUXI MIDLINE TRADE & EXHIBITION CO., LTD is one of the domestic deeply flounce agency in specialty exhibition promotion and organization. The company has first-class work facility, modern information and communication system. The company since organized continuously devotes to the foundation brand exhibition, and fixes the exhibition period, the large-scale, the content specialization, the exhibitors internationalization as the objective.   Under the company suppose: conference department, ministry of trade, domestic display department, international display department,computer department  and  so on. The company has professional knowledge comprehensive, strain capacity, greatly strengthened administrative personnel, as well as the fine quality, wholehearted, earnestly responsible, the steadfast work staff troop.   Since the company has organized the continuously great effort to set up image, enhance well-known, develop the domestic and foreign markets, to bring both sides together,to supply ideas for the general enterprises. Company will take high quality, standard, good faith service as work guiding idea, all staffs will make determined efforts, vigorous plan to be stronger, spare no effort work, set up fine market image, and diligently struggle for magnificent tomorrow.